Posts Tagged ‘CrossFit Split Jerk’

split jerk

Whiteboard never lies, sort of the like the tribal council

Fun lunch time workout (WOD) at  CrossFitLincoln.  I picked up a couple, 1 focused on Olympic lifting skill (Split Jerk) the other a metcon (metabolic conditioning) called “Karen” which involves a 150 wall ball shots.

CFL trainer Cole provided a great tutorial and reminder on Split Jerk Form and practice:

  • Shoulder Press with up position parallel with chest and bar behind head
  • Push press practice
  • Feet movement practice (split the legs at the hips – hence the name “split-jerk”
  • Power push press
  • Light load (45lbs)

My split jerk max is equal to push press max (135lbs) – over time the split jerk will eclipse that.  It’s a great whole body workout, not just shoulders.

split jerk

Image by Amber Karnes via Flickr

Following that workout and with some unpredictability in terms of snow fall, decided to pick up metcon WOD I haven’t had a chance to do – so scaled Karen (aka 150 wall ball shots to 10′) down to 10lbs and pounced on it.  Legs were feeling ok after yesterday’s hills so figured, why not?.  Good workout and as I try it at 14 and 20lbs I know it will really bite.  Exercises like wall ball shots, double unders (jump rope), walking lunges (especially over 200 meters), box jumps along with the Olympic lifting skills do so much to improve overall triathlon and marathon performance.  It’s enjoyable doing them knowing the payoff ahead!

Here’s the WOD detail.

Split Jerk 1 Rep Max.  Warm up – 25 pushups, 25 situps, 10 strict pull ups, 10 shoulder pass throughs, 20 walking lunge w/ twist, 500 mtr row.  Split Jerk – great overview by Cole then 45lb (3 reps), 65, 85, 85, 95, 95 (2 reps); 105, 115, 115, 135 (1 rep), 95, 95 (5 reps).  Then CrossFit WOD Karen 50%, 150 wall ball shots (10lb) – 8:47, split into groups of 50 with 1 min. rest.

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